
  • Last updated on March 13, 2023 at 12:40 PM

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

Flexibank (aka. time off in lieu) is an alternative to paid overtime. In this case, employees can compensate for their overtime with additional free time. In the opposite direction, an employee can also request additional time off by compensating for this with an already achieved amount of overtime.

In this article, we will find out how to manage the Flexibank in TimeMoto and how to customize the Flexibank account.

Note: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Overtime management and thus also the overtime compensation with time off are not only related to the agreements in the employment contract, but also to the legal requirements of the location. Therefore, always find out about the local labor laws on this topic!

Flexibank and Overtime Management

The Flexibank can always be claimed if overtime was accumulated in advance. This can be done in two ways. If you are unsure about overtime management, you can find all the information here:

Overtime Management in TimeMoto Cloud

Adjust the Flexibank Account

You may have worked with a form of time off in lieu before TimeMoto. Then you and your employees will likely have a running Flexibank balance as well. You can easily add this when entering the employee data into TimeMoto or in an existing employee account.

Add Flexibank value for a New Employee

If you add a new employee to your Cloud, you can also enter the current Flexibank balance when you enter the employee's "Position" data.

Good to know: You can find all details about the employee settings here:

The Employees Page

Adjust the Flexibank in an Existing Employee Account

You can check the Flexibank balance on an employee's card.

To do this, go to the employee card and select the tab [Holiday and Flexibank] (UK) / [Vacation and Flexibank] (US).

Then select the option [History: Flexibank]. There you can track the entire history of the Flexibank balance and adjust it by clicking on the button [Edit balance].

Good to know: You can find all details about the employee card here:

The Employee Card

Redeem Time off With the Flexibank Account

As soon as a holiday is scheduled in TimeMoto Cloud, managers have the opportunity to redeem credit from the Flexibank account.

First, you put the holiday in the planning (or you will receive an absence request directly from the employee).

As soon as you approve the holiday, a window appears. You will be asked to use either the holiday balance or the Flexibank balance to plan the holiday. You can also use a mix of both. Once you save the holiday, the budget used is automatically deducted from the holiday and/or Flexibank balance.

You can find out more about scheduling absences here:

Activities (and Absences)

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