- Last updated on May 15, 2023 at 1:51 PM
Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!
Do you want to get more out of the TimeMoto Cloud experience? While our system works already by itself with different modules like our TimeMoto Clocks as well as a browser and mobile application, you can do even more! Check out how you can use webhooks to make TimeMoto communicate with your own systems to make this the best option fitted exactly to your needs.
Find the developer options by scrolling all the way down from anywhere in your cloud and selecting the link [Developer Options] in the footer.
Developer Options
The developer options are split into two segments. [Developer Options] and [Webhooks]. In the Developer Options, you can set the global version your webhooks will fall back to.
Click on [Webhooks] to access your specific webhook settings.
Here you can see a list of your already added webhooks containing:
- the Name of the webhooks
- the webhook's URL
- the Version of the communication protocol the webhook is using
- the webhook's Enabled status
- the webhook's Error Rate (failed attempts)
How does a webhook work?
A webhook is a way to inform one software about the events of another software.
Imagine a front desk employee that is supposed to let their colleague know if a particular client has arrived in the building. Once the front desk employee sees the client in question, they pick up the phone and call their colleague to inform them about it.
This is how a webhook works. To translate this into the software world: You set up an event that should trigger the webhook (like, in this example, the front desk). Once the event has happened (the client arriving), the webhooks send the information to a URL (the colleague's phone number) to pass on the details.
Adding Webhooks
Make sure you have selected the webhook section. To create a new webhook, click on the button [Add webhook] in the top right corner. In the following form, fill out all the necessary details:
- Give the webhook a Name. A name identifies a webhook and makes it easier to find in your list.
- The Status defines whether the webhook is currently active or inactive.
- Insert the URL of the webhook address. Keep in mind that this should be HTTPS.
- Optionally, you can pin the webhook to a specific Version of the communication protocol or leave it empty. If you leave it blank, the webhook will use the global version defined in your developer options or, if this one turns out to be empty as well, the latest stable pre-set version.
- Select the Events that should trigger the webhook. You can select multiple events, like attendance or user data being inserted, updated, or deleted.
Once you're done, click [Save] to add the webhook to your list.
As soon as you have created the webhook, you can click on it to see more details.
No, we are not talking about the hidden secrets of a company. A Secret is a token which is supposed to guarantee that your URL receives only legit data from TimeMoto Cloud's webhooks. Kind of a seal of approval.
In case you want to make sure the webhook is working as intended, you can see here a list of all output attempts documented with status, type of event, Event ID and the exact timestamp of the output. In case of a failed attempt, you will also see when the system is going to retry the output.
If you don't want to wait for an actual event to occur, you can also click on [Send test webhook] to trigger a test attempt. This will be categorized as such.
Any questions?
Looking for answers but not sure where to start? Check out our Glossary! It's a great resource to help you find the information you need. If you need further assistance, please contact us via the Contact Form.