Activities (and Absences)
- Last updated on August 7, 2024 at 9:13 AM
Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!
As a core feature of the Planning section, activities define any planned event that requires an employee's attendance. You can plan them very intuitively. In this article, we will go through all the steps of adding activities to an employee's planning and explain the different types of activities that are available.
Adding Activities (and Absences)
To add any event to the planning, go to the Planning section and choose the subpage "Calendar" (the first item).
Select the calendar viewing type that is most suitable for your requirements. Choose the day and employee to which you want to add an activity and click on the respective cell. TimeMoto lets you choose between two categories: activities and absences.
Activity Types
There are three activity types:
- Time frame: A fixed time frame with a start and end time. Set an end date if the activity ends on another day.
- Hours: A defined number of hours without start and end times. These can be fulfilled by the employee at any given time on the planned day.
- Schedule: A schedule that is pre-implemented on the Schedules page.
Adding Projects
Optionally, you can tie every activity to a project. For more information about projects, check out this article.
Adding a Description
You can add a description if needed so the item contains more information.
Adding a Repeating Activity
You can also repeat activities by ticking the box [Repeat]. Specify how frequently the repetition should occur and on which days of the week. A recurrence continues unless you click “Set end date” and choose when the repetition should end.
Great! Once you have filled in all the necessary information, click [Add to planning] to add your new item to the calendar.
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