First Overview
- Last updated on October 15, 2024 at 7:49 AM
Now that you have set up your device(s) and finished the onboarding let's take a first look at the Cloud itself and its general structure.
The Home Page
Every time you log into your TimeMoto Cloud, you start with the Timekeeping page that contains your timer, a list of your current clocking actions, and today's attendance. For a more detailed explanation, check out this article.
The Timekeeping page
This is how you navigate through your TimeMoto Cloud:
(1) Main Features
These are the different main features of TimeMoto. Click on one of these keywords to get to the particular feature. For more detailed information, make sure to check out the respective support categories.
This contains everything regarding today's time registration and attendance.
There you can add, view and manage all scheduled activities and absences, as well as projects, work schedules, and absence requests.
This is the reporting of the employees' recorded data. You can export time and pay reports and lock your pay periods. If you are authorized, you can also make adjustments to past clocking actions and add forgotten ones.
(2) Your Employee Profile
Click on this icon to access your account profile. If you have editing privileges, you may also edit it from there. For more detailed information, make sure to check out this support article:
(3) Options
The different options are:
- Browser notifications
- Day/Night Mode switch
- Dropdown menu with more options:
Note: Keep in mind that the options in the dropdown menu depend on your Employee Privilege and Plan Type.
(4) The Timekeeping
This is the actual Timekeeping page. For more detailed information, make sure to check out the following article:
(5) Support Centre
This icon leads you directly to the in-app TimeMoto Support Centre, where you find more helpful information about the features and settings of TimeMoto.
Any questions?
Looking for answers but not sure where to start? Check out our Glossary! It's a great resource to help you find the information you need. If you need further assistance, please contact us via the Contact Form.