The Timekeeping Page

  • Last updated on January 8, 2024 at 8:14 AM

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This article contains features available with the Essential (or Plus) Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

The Timekeeping page is the first page that appears when you log in to your TimeMoto Cloud. On this page employees can find their current clocking actions and shifts, the current attendance and the timer that enables you to clock in and out of TimeMoto online.

The Timekeeping Page

In this article we cover the main features of the Timekeeping page.

The Timer

The Timer on the left side works as an online module that lets employees clock in and out of their shifts and shows them how long they have worked as well as how long they are planned to work today.

  • On top you find the current day of the week, date and time. (1)
  • The timer itself shows you how long you have been clocked in with this account already today. (2)
  • Optionally, upon clocking you can also select a project. (3) 
  • The buttons will change depending on your clocking status. At first you can only "Clock in". Once you are clocked in, you have the option to take a "Break" or "Clock out". After clocking a "Break" you can click "Return" continue the time recording. (4)
  • The bar below shows you the length of the current scheduled shift in white and the actual progress in green. (5)
  • At the bottom you find a brief description of the scheduled shift for today, if available. (6)

The timer

Clocking With Projects

If you want to track your working time within a specific project, you can select a project from the drop-down menu. Click "Clock in" when you start working within that project.

If you change projects during the day, first click "Clock out". Then, select the new project from the drop-down menu and click "Clock in".

Recent Clocking Actions

On the right side of the page, you see a summary of your clocking actions today. On the left side you find all "Clock in" actions (Clock in, Return), on the right all "Clock out" actions (Break, Clock out).

Recent clocking actions

Today's Attendance (TimeMoto Essential)

See here who is working today, who is planned as absent or who is missing from work. Depending on the colour, the employees are either registered as present (green), absent or missing from work (red) or are not planned in at all (white). For a better overview, filter this list or search for an employee in the search bar. You can also make adjustments in the planning here directly (if you are authorised to do so).

Today's attendance

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