Breaks and Absences
- Last updated on July 17, 2023 at 12:38 PM
Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!
Efficient work also includes the right amount of rest and leisure time. Therefore, breaks and vacation days are essential for the right balance. On the Breaks and Absences page, we can adjust all necessary settings to enable correct absence management.
You find these settings by clicking on the cogwheel in the top right and choosing [Breaks and Absences]. Absence settings are an essential part of your Cloud's setup.
The "Breaks and Absences" Page
The adjustable settings of "Breaks and Absences" include:
1. Break Deduction
Select whether breaks that employees clocked at the devices should by default count as worked time or not. If you change this setting, it will only affect later clocked breaks.
Good to know: If breaks don't count as working time, you can also specify the minimum break duration deducted from working time. That way, employees can even clock shorter breaks without this affecting their working time (e.g., short coffee breaks, etc.).
2. Bank Holidays
Manage your bank holidays by selecting your country and absence type. The latter allows you to decide how a bank holiday counts in your planning. If you want to include regional holidays, too, you can add these to your calendar.
3. Absence Manager
Choose whether your absence are calculated in days or hours, select a holiday balance reset date, and specify the maximum amount of holiday balance that carries over to the next year. To define the holiday budget for a single employee, check out our article about Holiday Profiles.
4. Absence Types
Absence types allow you to define different categories of absences and how they count in your planning. Manage existing absence types or add new ones that apply your company policy.
Adding Absence Types
Set a name for the absence type (1) as well as the absence settlement (2). Optionally you can also write a brief description and allocate a color to your absence type, so it will be easier to spot in the planning screen.
Absence Settlements
You can settle absences in TimeMoto Cloud in three different ways:
- Paid Absence: Absences with this settlement count as worked time in the timesheet and are included in the employee's payout.
- Unpaid Absence: Absences with this settlement won't count as worked time in the timesheet and are not included in the employee's payout.
- Absence deducted from Vacation (Holiday) Balance: Absences with this settlement affect the employee's vacation (holiday) balance if added to the planning. This settlement usually applies to any contractual vacation (holiday).
Managing Absence Types
Click the name of an absence type in your list to edit it. If the change should take effect in the past's planning and reports, you can optionally choose an Effective Date, to decide the first day on which the new settings apply. Click "Save" to save any changes you made.
Deleting Absence Types
If you are no longer in need of a specific absence type, click the trash bin iconto delete it permanently.
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