The Calendar
- Last updated on March 13, 2023 at 12:11 PM
Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!
In the Calendar, you find a general view of all employees' activities, absences and schedules in the calendar of TimeMoto Cloud. You will get to it automatically by clicking on [Planning]. If you are already visiting another sub-page of the Planning, you can alternatively click on [Calendar].
Getting to the Calendar
Planning Level and Filters
Sometimes you want to plan events for the entire company and need a broad overview of data, sometimes it is better to have a precise selection. The calendar lets you choose between different planning levels and filters.
There are four different planning levels (from lowest hierarchy to highest):
- Employee Planning: Enables you to plan activities and absences for individual employees.
- Department Planning: Enables planning for entire departments at once.
- Location Planning: Enables planning for entire locations at once.
- Company Planning: Enables planning for the entire company at once.
Below the planning level, you find a search bar where you can search for single positions of your planning depending on the planning level.
Next to the planning level, you can set filters depending on your chosen planning for a clearer view, such as:
- Location: Filter different locations to see only employees of the chosen location(s).
- Department: Filter different departments to see all employees of the chosen department(s).
Tip: Remove filters that you don't need anymore by clicking the x next to them.
On your upper right, you find the 3 different viewing modes: daily, weekly or monthly. Clicking on [Today] will focus the calendar on the current day, week, or month, depending on the viewing mode.
Planning Activities
Add activities by left-clicking on the employees row on the starting point of the activity. You can also click on existing activities to view and edit them.
In the planning, you can add:
- Planned work time and projects
- Schedules
- Absences
Read everything you have to know about activities by clicking the following link:
Any questions?
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