Adding a New Schedule

  • Last updated on August 11, 2023 at 8:31 AM

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Essential (or Plus) Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

Schedules and shifts vary from contract to contract. Some employees work somewhat flexibly. Others might be required to attend at fixed times. Of course, you want to ensure everything is set up correctly in TimeMoto. Let's find out how it's done!

Adding a schedule is quite linear, as the system lists every piece of info step by step on one page. Go to your Planning and select the tab [Schedules]. Then click on "Add schedule" to start.

Adding a new work schedule1. Basic Information

First up, enter the name of your new schedule. Colour and description are optional. A colour will help you differentiate your schedule from others in the Planning.

Your schedule's basic information

2. Schedule Type

Now, select your Schedule Type. Choose between three different types:

  • Fixed Time Schedule: This schedule lets you predefine a start and end time (e.g. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).
  • Fixed Duration Schedule: This schedule lets you predefine a fixed duration per day (e.g. 8 hours per day).
  • Flexible Hours Schedule: This schedule lets you predefine a fixed duration per week or month (e.g. 40 hours per week).

Clicking on one of the schedule types will lead you to the next window, where you can fill in the details.

For more information, check out this article about the different Schedule Types.

3. Break Type

Next, you can select predefined breaks. This is optional, you can skip this step, in which case you immediately proceed further. Breaks are then clocked manually and handled as they are set in Breaks and Absences unless you choose a break type.

You choose between two different break types:

  • Fixed Break Time: This break type lets you predefine the start and end time of the break(s) (e.g. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.). You can also set whether the breaks should be deducted automatically and/or if the breaks are considered paid time.
  • Conditionally Deducted Breaks: With this break type, the system will deduct a set amount of time for a specific duration of worked time. If you have multiple breaks, only the highest applicable amount of worked time is considered (e.g. 30 minutes for 6 hours of worked time).

If you don't want to set any breaks, you can click [No Breaks]. The default settings of Breaks and Absences will apply.

Clicking on one of the break types will lead you to the next window, where you can fill in the details.

For more information, check out this article about the different Break Types.

4. Rounding Type

As a final setting, you can let the system round your clocking actions. This can be useful if employees clock in earlier or later than they start working (because they need to prepare themselves, for example).

You choose between (up to) two different rounding types:

  • Interval Rounding: Round all clocking actions in intervals regardless of the time they are carried out.
  • Rounding at Fixed Times: This rounding type is only available if you chose a Fixed Time Schedule! Round all clocking actions within a limited range of your schedule’s fixed start and end time.

Just like the break types, this setting is purely optional. If you don't want to set any breaks, you can click [No Rounding]. The default settings of [General Information] will apply.

For more information, check out this article about the different Rounding Types.

5. Summary

You’re all set and can now revise your schedule by checking the summary on the right. If everything is implemented correctly, you can save and add the schedule to your Cloud. The schedule is ready to be assigned to your employees.

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