Holiday Profiles

  • Senast uppdaterad den 5 maj 2023 kl. 06:45

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

Every employee is entitled to a set number of paid absence days (or hours) each year, also known as holidays. The number of days (or hours) can vary depending on the contract and the position of said employee. For that, you can create Holiday Profiles that set a specific amount of holidays per year, which you can then assign to your employees.

You find all your holiday profiles by opening the dropdown menu in the top right and clicking [Settings]. Then on the left side, select [Holiday Profiles].


On the Vacation Profiles / Holiday Profiles page, you see a list of all profiles you have added to your TimeMoto Cloud. You see their name and the vacation / holiday total that is shown in days or hours depending on your settings in [Breaks and Absences].

You find the Holiday Manager under your settings in [Breaks and Absences]. Click here for more information.

Adding a Holiday Profile

If you want to add a new Holiday Profile, click "Add holiday profile" in the top right of the screen.

A window appears where you can now enter the necessary information:

  • Enter a name.
  • Enter the vacation total / holiday total per year. This can be set in days or hours, depending on your [Breaks and Absences] settings.
  • Optionally you can add a brief description of your profile. This does not affect the actual settings.

Click "Save" to add the new vacation profile / holiday profile to your Cloud.

Managing Profiles

Click the name of a profile in the overview to manage its settings. You can make any adjustments necessary. Click "Save" to save any changes made.

Note: Changes or new profiles take only effect during the next balance reset!

Removing Profiles

If you are no longer in need of a specific profile, click the trash bin icon  to remove it from your list.

Assigning Profiles

You can assign Holiday Profiles to your employees. Usually, you will do this during the process of adding an employee to your TimeMoto Cloud.

If you want to assign a new Holiday Profile to an existing employee account or change it, use the employee card to add or edit their details. To learn more about the employee settings, check out these interesting reads:

The Holiday Balance will be updated on the balance reset date you set in [Breaks and Absences]. If you change a profile before that or add a new employee before the next balance reset, you have to update the current balance in the employee's settings under the section "Holiday Balance" > "Built up" by clicking on the pen and paper symbol.

Done! Now, you can plan the vacation in the employee's planning as usual.

Any questions?
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