Project Report
- Last updated on March 13, 2023 at 12:26 PM
Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Essential or Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!
Project reports are a type of report in TimeMoto Cloud. It shows all recorded time your employees spent on specific projects. In this article, we will check out the functionalities of the project report and how you can manage and export reports.
Good to know: To understand the concept of projects in TimeMoto Cloud, make sure to check out the support article here.
General Layout
Like all reports, the project report can be filtered by the report period. Once you choose a set pay period, you can also lock the period. The main differences lie between the overview and daily view of the reports.
Overview Mode
The overview deals only with the total of your project's project data. In the columns, you can display the:
- Project Name
- Departments that worked on the project(s)
- Total Hours (worked under the project)
You can filter the report by employees involved by typing their name in the search box, or you can filter them by selecting specific projects, names of employees involved, or departments involved. Multiple selections and a combination of different filters are possible.
Daily View Mode
The project reports' daily view gives you a detailed day-by-day report about every project and which employee and department were involved in the project. In the columns, you can display the project's:
- Project Name
- Departments that worked on the project(s)
- Total Hours (worked under the project)
Below every project, you have enlisted the different employees involved with a daily summary (sorted by date) of their hours spent on the project.
Export Reports
Click on the button "Export" in the upper right to export and download your currently displayed pay report, currently available in the Excel format.
Any questions?
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