Reports – Introduction
- Last updated on June 13, 2024 at 1:03 PM
After you and your employees have clocked your working time, you might want to create different kinds of reports to document the recordings. Or maybe you want to amend incorrect clocking actions. This leads us to the Reports section! Based on the data available and the report type, you can create timesheets, pay reports, and project reports, as well as revise past clocking data. In this article, we will navigate you through the Reports section.
Note: Before you gain access to the Reports section, you need to define a default pay period. Pay periods determine the frequency in which the system will create reports automatically. No worries, you can still create other custom reports, even with a set pay period.
To find out more about pay periods, see the article about your [General Information].
Report Types
As of now, there are three types of reports available:
- The Timesheet focuses on the actual worked time. Create this type of report if you want to see when exactly and how long an employee has worked. Here you can also manage incorrect clocking actions and add missing data.
- The Pay Report focuses on how much employees are paid for the amount of work they've done and under which payment categories their different hours fall. Here, you can also manage any overtime or extraordinarily paid work.
- The Project Report focuses on the time that was worked under a specific project. This can be very useful, for example, if you want to collect statistical data or provide documents of working time for (external) assignments.
- The Absence Report lists all scheduled absences at once, making it easy to gain an overview of any sort of paid and unpaid leave during a selected period.
The report typesViewing Types
All reports can be displayed in two different ways:
- The Overview gives you a brief summary of the chosen period and shows the total amount of each category.
- The Daily View provides you with a detailed day-by-day view of the chosen period. In the timesheets, for example, you can then see more information about the attendance data such as location, department and the different types and times of the clocking actions. This is also where you can amend incorrect data.
The viewing types
Report Periods
Here you can choose the period of your report. You can select either a pay period or choose a custom period by clicking on the calendar symbol.

Lock Pay Period
To avoid attendance data being altered in the future, you can lock a pay period to make any future modifications impossible. Make sure that all attendance data is correct before a pay period is locked!

Note: The option to lock a pay period will only appear, when you have selected a pre-set pay period. Custom set report periods cannot be locked, of course.
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