Planning Absences

  • Naposledy aktualizováno dne 17. května 2024 v 12:47

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

Have you already checked out the Calendar? Are you done scheduling your first Activities? You may want to manage some absences now. If so, you've come to the right place! In this article, we will talk about scheduling absences and what to consider when managing different types of absences.

Before you start planning...

For your absence management to succeed, it is best to prepare some settings in advance. It's very easy, and you need to follow this setup only once (in most cases). Then you should be good to go.

Step 1: Prepare Your Absence Settings

Before you can plan your absences correctly, you should set up your Absence Management to meet your requirements. Access the [Breaks and Absences] settings to adjust the following features:

  • Bank holidays: This automatically sets up the bank holidays for the entire company. If your bank holidays vary depending on your location, we recommend using the [Location] settings to set up your different bank holidays. For more information, you can check out the dedicated article about Bank Holiday Management.
  • Absence manager: Prepare the Absence Manager to document your absences correctly in the Employee Card and the Timesheet.
  • Absence types: To help TimeMoto understand how different absences are handled in your company, you can use Absence Types. You can set up as many absence types as you need and combine them with one of three different ways to settle the leave of absence.

Good to know: For more detailed information, feel free to check out our dedicated guide to the [Breaks and Absences] settings.

Step 2: Prepare Your Shifts

For an employee to be absent from work, there is usually a scheduled shift they will be absent from. TimeMoto works with that same principle: You can calculate an absence most accurately if there is a scheduled shift with which the entry can be combined.

For this reason, we recommend making sure a shift is planned. This is usually done with a Schedule.

Tip: If you are unsure whether an employee already has a scheduled shift for a specific day, check out the employee's Calendar. If you find an entry for the employee in question, you can continue with planning your absence(s).

Schedule an Absence

Now that you have everything prepared. It is time to schedule the absence itself. Let's do this step by step:

1. Go to the employee's Calendar and navigate to the date of the absence. If a planned shift was scheduled prior, you should be able to see an entry containing the scheduled item.

2. Left-click on the entry and select the last option: [Add absence]

3. In the next window, select the Absence Type that applies to the employee's absence. If you don't find the absence type you need, please go back to Step 1.

4. Now, define the absence duration:

  • Full-day absence: Make sure the box next to [Full day] remains active for full-day absences. Then, you can choose the start and end dates of the absence.
  • Part-time absence: If the absence only applies to certain hours, please untick the box next to [Full day] and specify the start and end times instead. The absence will then only apply to the day you selected.

5. Optionally, you can add a description to your planning item for later reference. Whatever you mention here will not impact the planning item itself.

6. Finally, confirm your settings by clicking [Save]

If you followed all the steps correctly, the calendar now shows a scheduled absence for the selected date(s).

Requesting Absences

Did you know that your employees can request absences with TimeMoto Cloud themselves? This feature makes it especially easy to schedule an absence since the employee already preset all the details. All you need to do then is accept the request (or deny it if you don't want to schedule it).

Read more about pending absence requests in this article:

Pending Requests

Any questions?
Looking for answers but not sure where to start? Check out our Glossary! It's a great resource to help you find the information you need. If you need further assistance, please contact us via the Contact Form.

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