How can I change Bank Holidays?

  • Naposledy aktualizováno dne 5. června 2023 v 12:20

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

In the [Breaks and Absences] settings, you can set a company-wide range of bank holidays. These are usually decided by the regular bank holidays applicable to the country you choose. But what if the list of holidays actually differs from what you need? In this article, we are answering the most common questions about bank holidays in TimeMoto Cloud.


Before you even start implementing or adjusting bank holidays, we recommend creating a separate Absence Type for Bank Holidays. You can do this under [Breaks and Absences]. To avoid mistakes in the reports, you need to define how bank holidays are settled for the employee. You should choose between two settlement types:

  • Paid Absence: You can select this settlement if employees don't work on bank holidays but still get paid for the time.
  • Unpaid Absence: You can select this settlement if employees do work on bank holidays. In that case, they won't get paid for the time unless they have clocked in. It can be useful to set up bank holidays, regardless, as it can affect pay rates using the [Pay and Overtime] settings.

How do I add a Bank Holiday that is not included in the predetermined list of TimeMoto?

Let's say you manage a large company with dozens of employees. You prepared the bank holidays in the [Breaks and Absences] settings by selecting your country and choosing the previously created absence type. After checking your planning, you realise there is one holiday missing. What now?

In this case, we recommend using the [Calendar] in your Planning section.

Step 1: It all comes down to the right planning!

First, make sure you choose the planning level that you need:

  • Company Planning: Select this scope if you need to plan a bank holiday for the entire company – no exceptions! You will most likely need this setting.
  • Location Planning: Select this scope if the bank holiday will only affect specific locations. You will need this setting if you have multiple branch locations with differing bank holidays.
  • Department Planning: Select this scope if the bank holiday applies to certain departments only. In most cases, this won't be necessary.
  • Employee Planning: Select this scope if you need to plan a bank holiday for a single employee. You will need this setting if you need to adjust the calendar for only one of your staff members.

In our example, the bank holiday is missing for the entire company. That's why we choose the scope: Company Planning. So far, so good!

Step 2: Save the date!

Needless to say, we need to find the date of the bank holiday. If the date lies further away, use the viewing types to skip through a week or a month at once. For our example, we will select the 14th of May. Once you have found it, click on the day in the grid to proceed further.

Step 3: Make it official!

After you click on the day in question, you can select [Add absence] to plan a new bank holiday. Make sure to choose the correct absence type, preferably the one you created for the regular bank holidays. Ticking the box [Full day] will guarantee that all scheduled work on this day will fall under the scheduled holiday, no matter at which time the scheduled shift might be.

That's it! Now you will find the bank holiday planned on all levels on and below your selected scope! In our case, for the entire company.

How do I remove a Bank Holiday that is included in the predetermined list of TimeMoto?

Now let's assume the opposite. We have implemented a bank holiday in the settings, but one of the holidays doesn't apply to us. What do we do now?

You might have already expected it. You can make the necessary adjustments using the [Calendar] in your Planning section similarly.

Step 1: Where was it planned?

There are two settings in TimeMoto that predetermine bank holidays. Depending on where you set up the bank holidays, you need to choose one (or more) scopes to remove the bank holiday you don't want to see anymore. In case you are not sure, TimeMoto Cloud will tell you the level in the planning if you click on the scheduled item.

  • Company Planning: Select this scope if you set up the bank holidays in your [Breaks and Absences] settings.
  • Location Planning: Select this scope if you set up the bank holidays in your [Location] settings.

Sometimes both scenarios can apply at the same time. In this case, it is important to remove the bank holiday from both Company and Location Planning. Keep in mind that you cannot remove holidays from the Department or Employee Planning if added in the [Breaks and Absences] or [Location] settings. You can only remove these items from the calendar on the level described above. Manually added bank holidays, however, can be edited on a lower planning level!

Step 2: Search the date!

Again, we need to find the date of the bank holiday. If the date lies further away, use the viewing types to skip through a week or a month at once. For our example, we will select the 5th of May. Once you have found it, click on the event item in the grid to proceed further.

Step 3: Delete absence!

Now that you found the obsolete holiday, you can click [Delete activity] to remove the item from your planning. Repeat the steps in another scope if necessary.

That's it! Now you have successfully removed the bank holiday from your calendar. It won't affect the reports anymore! In our case, for the entire company.

Any questions?
If you need further assistance, please contact us via the Contact Form.

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