Core Times

  • Senast uppdaterad den 24 april 2023 kl. 13:07

Note: Can't find this in your Cloud? This feature is available with the Plus Plan of TimeMoto Cloud. If you want to get the most out of your TimeMoto account, make sure to upgrade your plan to your needs!

What is the meaning of Core Times?

Core Times are fixed time frames that define when an employee has to be present at work. As opposed to schedules with fixed start and end times, core times do not cover the employee's entire shift. Employees can therefore decide when exactly they want to work outside of their shift's core.

How do I set up Core Times?

In TM Cloud, you can define Core Times within a Fixed Duration Schedule. When adding or editing schedules, access this feature by selecting said schedule type and clicking on the plus symbol next to the line: "Add core times."

How exactly does this work in practice?

In our example, the shift's duration is 8 hours a day with a fixed time frame between 9:00 and 14:00, which means employees that work under this schedule cannot clock in later than 9:00 or clock out earlier than 14:00. They can freely distribute the other 3 hours, whether they want to start earlier, finish later, or both.

Core Times and Notifications

Usually, Fixed Durations Schedules do not trigger any notifications about whether an employee has clocked in too late or clocked out too early when working a shift. 

Once you have defined Core Times, however, TM will check this time frame and notify you if the employee isn't present between these hours, given that you've configured the Notification settings accordingly.

Any questions?
If you need further assistance, please contact us via the Contact Form.

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