Connecting a TA-8000 Series Time Clock to TimeMoto Cloud 2

  • Viimeksi päivitetty 5. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 13.33

Of course, every TimeMoto Clock is also compatible with TimeMoto Cloud 2. But how about older models? Can you use a TA device with TimeMoto Cloud 2 as well? The simple answer is: yes!

However, for this to succeed, preparations have to be done in advance. In this article, we go through everything step by step.

Which TA Clocks are still compatible?

Generally, all TA-8000 series time clocks are able to connect to TimeMoto Cloud 2 if you update their ADMS settings. You can find the model number of your time clock at the back of the device. The compatible model numbers are:

  • TA-8010 or 8015 (with RFID sensor)
  • TA-8020 or 8025 (with fingerprint sensor)
  • TA-8030 or 8035 (with RFID and fingerprint sensor)

ADMS Settings

For the devices to connect with the TimeMoto Cloud 2, you need to check the ADMS settings. Open the [Menu], and select [Comm] > [ADMS]. Enter the following details:

  1. Make sure the Domain Name is enabled.
  2. The Server Address has to be
  3. Check the box Display in Status Bar.
  4. Do not check the box Enable Https.

ADMS settings for the TA-8000 series devices

Adding Your TA Clock

Now your TA 8000 series time clock should be good to go. Add the device how you would add any other TimeMoto Clock. 

Make sure to check out the instructions in the article about Time Clocks.

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