Setting up your TimeMoto Clock
- Viimeksi päivitetty 6. toukokuuta 2024 klo 11.11
Plugging in & starting the setup
Unpack your TimeMoto clock, connect the jack at the end of the chord of the included power adapter to the clock, and then plug the power adapter into a power outlet. After a few moments, the time clock will start and show the "Welcome Screen".
The box of your TimeMoto clock contains the Get Started flyer with a link to the online Quick Installation Guide. This guide helps you set up your time clock quickly with visual instructions and contains more detailed instructions in various languages at the end.
You can also follow the instructions as set forth below.
Now that your TimeMoto clock is connected to a power outlet, you can connect to its internal Hot Spot Wi-Fi for configuring and connecting to your network:
- Take a device (laptop, desktop computer with wireless receivers, tablet or smartphone) that is connected to the Wi-Fi of your choice, and bring it close to the TimeMoto clock.
- You will notice that the TimeMoto clock displays “TimeMoto-” followed by six digits (e.g. “TimeMoto-123456”). This is the name of TimeMoto clock’s hotspot.
- Check the list of available wireless networks on your own device. The list should contain the TimeMoto hotspot (e.g. “TimeMoto-123456”).
How to find the list of available wireless networks:
- On a laptop or desktop PC, you find the list of available wireless networks in the bottom right of your screen.
- On a smartphone, you can usually select a network from the wireless network settings of your smartphone. - From the list of available wireless networks, click on the TimeMoto hotspot. You now have connected your own device to the TimeMoto clock via its hotspot
Once connected to the TimeMoto hotspot, open a web browser on your device of choice. Now key in the address bar* (and not the search bar) the following URL “” and press Enter. This will load the website to guide you through the first-time use setup of your TimeMoto Cloud and the time clock.
* Note: Some devices will state you have no internet connection and ask if you wish to continue. This is normal, please continue!
First-time use setup
The goal of the first-time setup is to configure your TimeMoto clock and your TimeMoto Cloud.
The first step is to set your language. This will determine in which language the time clock will be configured. This does not set the language for TimeMoto Cloud! Click “Next” to proceed.
Select Your Language
In the next step, you choose whether you want to use TimeMoto PC Software or TimeMoto Cloud with your TimeMoto clock. Choose TimeMoto Cloud!
Select PC Software or Cloud
You cannot use the time clock with both TimeMoto PC Software and TimeMoto Cloud at the same time!
The next step will help you set up a network connection for your time clock. In order to transfer data from the clock to your PC or Cloud, it will have to connect either by Wi-Fi or LAN (network cable). Choose how you want to connect your clock and click “Next”.
Select Wi-Fi or LAN
If you want connect your time clock through a Wi-Fi network, you will have to enter the name of the Wi-Fi network and the password. Also, you can indicate if you want to use DHCP. Unless you have a specific reason not to, we advise to use DHCP.
DHCP is a standard tool to assign IP addresses and other network configurations to devices within a network.
Wi-Fi Settings LAN
When you select LAN, you will have to insert a network cable connected to the network you want to use into your TimeMoto clock. You will then have to indicate if you want to use DHCP. Unless you have a specific reason not to, we advise to use DHCP.
LAN Settings Once you have decided how to connect your time clock, click “Next”. The TimeMoto clock will now restart, with all the settings you have selected during this first-time use setup. Your own device will now reconnect to the network it was previously connected to. Once this is done, click on “Register” in the bottom of the screen to continue with the product registration.
Finishing the Setup
You can now register your software. Your time clock is configured and ready to be used!