"Authentication Failure" Displayed on Time Clock

  • Naposledy aktualizováno dne 23. dubna 2024 v 6:56

If your TimeMoto Clock display shows an "Authentication Failure", the device is unable to perform certain internal checks.

Authentication failure

Restart your TimeMoto Clock by removing the power plug and plugging it back in. You won't lose any data if you restart the device in this way. If your device is installed in a way that makes unplugging more difficult, you can also trigger this with the reset button on the side of the device by using a paper clip.

If you no longer see "Authentication Failure", your time clock is working properly again.

Should the message still be displayed after restarting the time clock or your device no longer starts properly, it might require a repair. Please check our website to receive further information about the repair procedure.

If your TimeMoto Clock still starts properly but shows the "Authentication Failure" after a while, you can fix this problem without sending the device in. For this, you will need a FAT32-formatted USB drive. Also, your time clock must be updated to the latest firmware version. You can find more information on finding your firmware version and updating your time clocks in the following articles:

First, plug the USB drive into your computer. On the USB drive, create an empty folder called DeleteLicense (the name is case-sensitive). Remove the USB drive from your computer.

The "DeleteLiense" folder on the USB drive

Shut down your TimeMoto Clock, and plug in the USB drive. Restart, and wait until you see the main screen. The main screen is the screen that shows you the date and time. Once you see the main screen, remove the USB drive from the TimeMoto Clock.

You should now no longer see the "Authentication failure" message appear on your TimeMoto Clock’s screen. If you want to, you can remove the "DeleteLicense" folder from your USB drive.

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