Updating the TM-818, TM-828 & TM-838 Firmware

  • Naposledy aktualizováno dne 10. dubna 2024 v 8:02

Important: This firmware update is only for the TM-818, TM-828 and TM-838 time clocks. This firmware update is not for the TM-818 MC, TM-600 series (TM-616 and TM-626), TA-8000 series (TA-8010, TA-8015, TA-8020, TA-8025, TA-8030, and TA-8035), or older TA devices (TA-600, TA-800, and TA-900 series). Using the wrong firmware update can cause your time clock to be inoperable.

In your clock’s menu, you can also see the device type. Open the [Menu] and select [System Info] > [Device Info]. Under "Device Name", you see your device type.

We have developed a new firmware update for the TimeMoto TM-818, TM-828, and TM-838 time clock systems. The update includes improvements such as better communication and synchronization between your TimeMoto Clock and Cloud.

Please note: You only need to update your firmware if your current firmware version is Ver, Ver 2.1, 2.4, Ver 3.0, Ver 3.1, Ver 3.3, or Ver 3.4.

Checking Your Current Firmware Version

To check your current firmware version, go to [Menu] > [System Info] > [Firmware Info]. At the top, you will find the firmware version.

Firmware version 3.1

Download the Firmware Update File

To upgrade your time clock, you need to install a new firmware file on the device. Please click here to download the update file and save it on your computer.

Installing the Update on Your Time Clock

After downloading the file, unzip it.

Right-click the file to see the options to unzip/unpack the file

Once you have extracted the files, you will see a file called emfw.cfg.

File extraction window

Plug a USB drive into your computer. Copy the file emfw.cfg from the unpacked folder on to the USB drive.

Copying the file to the USB drive

Copying the file to the USB drive should take only a few seconds. Click on the USB drive in your window to guarantee that the file has been copied into the root of the USB drive.

Firmware file is successfully copied to the USB drive

Next, plug in the USB drive into the USB port on the side of your TimeMoto Clock. Open the Menu of the system, and select [System Settings]. Press [OK] to open the system settings.

System Settings in the main menu

In [System Settings], navigate to [USB Upgrade] and press [OK].

USB Upgrade option in the System Settings

The time clock will now apply the USB update.

The system prepares and applies the update of the firmware

After the update has been successfully applied, the system has to be rebooted. Press [OK] to reboot the clock.

Reboot confirmation after updating the system

After the reboot, the system has been updated!

Checking Your Current Firmware Version

To check your firmware version, open the Menu of your time clock and select [System Info] > [Firmware Info]. At the top, you will find the firmware version.

Updated firmware version shown

If the firmware version changes to Ver 3.7, you have successfully updated your time clock.

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