When pressing the [Menu]-button, the screen shows “Identify”. What do I have to do?

  • Viimeksi päivitetty 5. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 13.55

Once an employee with Manager Privileges has been synchronized to a TimeMoto Clock, you can no longer open the system’s menu by pressing [Menu]. You will have to identify as a Manager to have access to the menu. The system will show “Identify” on the screen.

Depending on your type of clock, you can identify yourself as a Manager in one of the following ways:

  • By using the ID and PIN of the Manager (all TimeMoto Clocks)
  • By using the RFID badge registered to the Manager (all TimeMoto Clocks)
  • By fingerprint registered for the Manager (TM-626, TM-828)
  • By face registered for the Manager (TM-838 only)

Where to find ID and PIN

Employees will always have an ID and PIN, which they can use to clock their attendance. If the employee has not set their own Time Clock PIN, the Default PIN (set in the Time Clocks Settings) will apply. You can find the ID and PIN in TimeMoto Cloud in the Employees Settings under the "Personal" section.

Any questions?
If you need further assistance, please contact us via the Contact Form.

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